Although the Deckover name was working for the business, that name didn’t seem to be as descriptive as we wanted it to be. Today, all we do is Retire Swimming Pools by building a deck inside the top of the pool. This helped us formulate the new name since it says exactly what we do. We decided to change the company’s name to, “Retire My Pool™, Inc”.
It’s called an “In Pool Deck™”. It’s a deck that is built into the top of the swimming pool so that it sets flush with the perimeter edge.
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Retiring Pools In Arizona since 2004
In Arizona, there is a growing population that does not swim in a swimming pool but still owns a house where they or their children used to swim in the pool. They are unaware of the options, especially our option of “Retiring the Pool”. They don’t want to fill in their pool because they are afraid of the possible damage to the property. Many people suffer from an unused pool, or they sell the house and move to a house without a pool. They don’t realize what their options are. People don’t know about their option to “Retire a Pool”. There are a lot of people “filling in” their pools. If a swimming pool is not being used, it’s a headache and financial burden to maintain the chemicals, loss of water, and the cost of the power to run the pool pump.
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