is Now Retire My Pool!
Dear Existing Customers and Potential Customers,
My name is Jeff Getz. I started this company over twenty years ago with a completely different plan from what we are doing now. In 2004, we were doing our thing in the remodel construction business when a customer requested a semi-permanent cover for his swimming pool. We put together a pool cover in a deck design so that it could be walked on and so you could actually use the surface over the pool. April of 2004 was the first that we ever built.
We began advertising this concept and eventually it was all we did. We had changed the name the first time to Deckover Construction, because we were building a deck over the pool, thus – Deck-Over put together in one word. Although the Deckover name was working for the business, that name didn’t seem to be as descriptive as we wanted it to be.
Today, all we do is Retire Swimming Pools by building a deck inside the top of the pool. This helped us formulate the new name, since it says exactly what we do. We couldn’t think of anything that said it better unless you got some long hairy name that no one would remember anyway.
We decided to change the company’s name to, “Retire My Pool, Inc”. It’s done formally and legally now.